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Press and media enquiries, the Department of Sociology in Lund
Sociology and social anthropology can be applied in many social science areas to analyse for instance social structures, relations and actions, or identities in society, in groups, and in individuals.
Our department's expertise includes environmental and developmental issues, school and education, governance and control, criminology and social policy. Power relations and social cleavages, especially those based on ethnicity, gender, sexuality and social class are the focus of much of the department's research.
Journalists looking for an academic to provide an expert comment or background on a story, please search by topic and feel free to contact the listed researchers. You can also contact head of research Simon Turner concerning topics not listed.
For high resolution photos of the department's researching staff, please webbredaktor [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se (subject: Media%20enquiries) (contact the Department's web editor) or the researcher.
Academic Research, Adolescence, Class, Conspiracy theories/Anti-science/Fake news, Consumption, Crime/Law, Culture, Disability, Education, (Sociology of) Emotions, Energy and Society, Evolution and Society, Family, Feminist Theory, Geographical Regions, Globalisation, Identity, Industry, Media/Social media, Medicine and Health, Migration/Integration, Military Sociology, Political Sociology, Queer Theory, Rural Sociology, Social Psychology, Space, Sustainability and Consumption, Work/Organisation
Academic Research
- Erik Brattström – Science, technology and innovation policy and implementation
- Maria Löfgren Martinsson – Academics' employability
- Tobias Olofsson – Knowledge processes and new technologies in archaeological research; assessment of scientific quality and promising research by academic panels
- Susanne Bregnbæk – Institutionalized youth
- Johan Sandberg – Effects of retracting study allowances from Swedish high school students
- David Wästerfors – Young people’s experiences of incarceration, school and violence in detention homes; gaming among disabled youths
- Elien Dalman – Social inequalities; social mobility; social stratification; social class and gender
- Bo Isenberg – Class, social differentiation, social stratification, segregation
Conspiracy theories, anti-science and fake news
- Mikael Klintman – Knowledge resistance in controversial issues
- Mikael Klintman – Consumption as status marker
Crime / Law
- Susanne Boethius – Domestic violence
- Lisa Flower – Legal professionals, courtroom digitalization, criminal trials
- Henriette Frees Esholdt – Islamic State, Islamist radicalization and terrorism, Swedish foreign fighters, women in terrorism, unofficial propaganda on social media, women's operational military roles in ISIS
- Isabelle Johansson – Sex work, trafficking; anti-trafficking; prostitution policy
- Anders Kjellberg – Work-related crime
- Agneta Mallén – Safety and fear of crime; victimology
- Steven Sampson – Corruption; anti-corruption
- David Sausdal – Crime prevention and fear of crime, gang crime, cross-border crime, surveillance and policing. Has studied Danish criminal policy and can comment on differences between Denmark and Sweden.
- Aube Tollu – Terrorism; jihadism
- David Wästerfors – Theories about physical violence; life in detention homes; crime solving citizens
- Malin Åkerström – Bribes and corruption; criminal lifestyles; domestic violence
- Dalia Abdelhady – Media representations
- Ron Eyerman – Political culture and cultural politics
- Henriette Frees Esholdt – Women in Salafi jihadistic environments; honour-based social control among ethnic minorities
- Alison Gerber – The intersection of value, culture, and public life
- Nina Gren – Political violence and recovery strategies
- Erik Hannerz – Graffiti; punk; DIY; subcultural lifestyles
- Bo Isenberg – Forms of community, cultural expression
- Ulf Johansson Dahre – Human rights and indigenous peoples
- Mikael Klintman – Cultural evolution
- Christer Lindberg – Shamanism; North American indigenous people's culture
- Christopher Mathieu – Cultural policy
- Ann Mari Sellerberg – Swedish forest owners
- Christopher Swader – Personal relationships; modernization; loneliness; capitalist culture
- Sébastien Tutenges – Alcohol, drugs, sex work, night life; street culture, violence; religion, radikalisation, extremism
- Anna Wiemer – Subcultures (cosplay & club culture)
- David Wästerfors – Scandals; corruption
- Malin Åkerström – Social control; gifts and corruption
- Petra Östergren – Human trafficking for sexual purposes
- Agneta Mallén – Difficulty of reporting violence and child neglect in children with disabilities
- David Wästerfors – Accessibilty in everyday life; gaming and disability
- Dalia Abdelhady – Immigrants and their children in school
- Mimmi Barmark – School choice; academic performance
- Annika Elwert – Pre-school education in a historical perspective; sex education in a historical perspective
- Axel Fredholm – Working conditions in Swedish schools
- Antoinette Hetzler – Conflict in school
- Maria Löfgren Martinsson – Academics' employability
- Freja Morris – How more administrational work affects teachers and teaching
- Fredrik Sandberg – Adult education
- David Wästerfors – School work in detention homes; school motivation for criminal youth; school work for young people with criminal experiences
(Sociology of) Emotions
- Lisa Flower – Emotions in court
- David Wästerfors – Emotions in relation to scandals and violence; emotional attractions of critizens’ crime interests
Energy and Society
- Katinka Johansen – Post-normal science, energy planning, energy policy and EIA processes (Environmental Impact Assessments) in Denmark
- Mikael Klintman – Renewable energy use among households
Evolution and Society
- Mikael Klintman – Mismatches between ancestral and modern societies
- Dalia Abdelhady – Immigrant families
- Linn Alenius Wallin – Step-relations, families of choice, bonus-grandparenting
- Lisa Eklund – Abortion policy; parental support in Sweden
- Sara Eldén – Children's perspective in child care relationships; intergenerational care; private child care market
- Annika Elwert – Inter-ethnic marriage; homogamy
- Nina Gren – Family relations in the middle east
- Tova Höjdestrand – Family policy, pro-family social movements
- Åsa Lundqvist – Welfare state and family relations; parenting support policies; activation policies
- Agneta Mallén – Early coordinated efforts for children who risk ending up in criminality
- Aube Tollu – Sex; intimate relationships
Feminist Theory
- Dalia Abdelhady – Postcolonial feminism
- Sara Eldén – Family life; house work; child care
- Åsa Lundqvist – How labour markets and family policies impact gender relations
- Aube Tollu
Geographical Regions
- Burundi, Rwanda - Simon Turner
- Indonesia - Axel Fredholm: Popular participation and local democracy
- China - Lisa Eklund: Shortage of women in China, population issues
- China - Susanne Bregnbæk: Chinese society
- Russia - Tova Höjdestrand: Family life; homelessness; conservatism; nationalism
- Russia - Christopher Swader: Russian society, social change in Russia, social values in Russia
- Cyprus - Charalambos Demetriou: Political violence
- France, Germany - Dalia Abdelhady: Migration, integration, school, labor markets
- Ireland - Charalambos Demetriou: Political violence
- Romania - Steven Sampson: Socialist bureaucracy and the post-socialist transition
- Russia - Tova Höjdestrand: Family life; homelessness; conservatism; nationalism
- Russia - Christopher Swader: Russian society, social change in Russia, social values in Russia
- Åland - Agneta Mallén: Crime and crime control in the Åland Islands
Middle East
- Israel/Palestine - Nina Gren: The occupied territories
- The Middle East - Jaleh Taheri: Women's participation in the work force
- The Middle East - Dalia Abdelhady: All migration, integration, school, labor markets
- Dalia Abdelhady: All migration, integration, school, labor markets
- Ron Eyerman
- Bo Isenberg – Social change, complexity, ambivalence
- Kjell NIlsson – Globalisation and social transformation
- Johan Sandberg – Global recruitment of highly skilled workers
- Ron Eyerman – Collective identity and collective memory
- Bo Isenberg – Individualisation, collective identity
- Uzma Kazi – Identity formations of Muslims in Sweden
- Rasmus Ahlstrand – The organisation of the Swedish building industry
- Shai Mulinari – The pharmaceutical industry
- Tobias Olofsson – Mines; mineral prospecting; natural resources
Media / Social media
- Dalia Abdelhady – News media and migration, hate speech, Islamophobia
- David Bazan Royuela – TikTok, algorithms and inequalities
- Isak Engdahl – Algorithms; ethical AI
- Lisa Flower – Liveblogging in the news
- Agneta Mallén – Sousveillance and citizen journalism
- Anna Wiemer – Digital public space, online subcultures
Medicine and Health
- Shai Mulinari – Pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical industry; medical research and social categories
Migration / Integration
- Dalia Abdelhady – Refugees, transnationalism and diaspora, transition from school to work
- Susanne Bregnbæk – Refugees
- Annika Elwert – Labour migration reforms; inter-ethnic marriage
- Olle Frödin – Labour migration
- Nina Gren – Refugees in Sweden
- Anders Kjellberg – Labour migration in the restaurant and cleaning industries
- Johan Sandberg – Role of migrant organizations in labour market integration
- Simon Turner – Refugee camps, transnational/diaspora politics
Military Sociology
- Alexandra Franzén – Security services, intelligence services
- Håkan Silverup – Military violence, war crimes, warrior ethics and military masculinity
Political Sociology
- Dalia Abdelhady – Immigration/integration policies, bureaucratic violence, immigrants’ political participation
- Erik Brattström – Water governance
- Charalambos Demetriou – Social movement radicalization; political violence
- Staffan Edling – Ideologically motivated social science research
- Jan Mewes – Welfare states and popular opinion; social trust
- Kjell Nilsson – Comparative social policy by studies of welfare systems
- Petra Östergren – Swedish sex work policy
Queer theory
- Aube Tollu – LGBTQ+
Rural sociology
- Jens Westerskov Andersen – Island studies
Social Psychology
- Carl-Göran Heidegren – Sociological theory (classical and modern), cultural sociology, sociology of knowledge
- Bo Isenberg – Groups, individualisation, community
- Katinka Johansen – Energy transitions, place attachment (the emotional bond between person and place), change resistance
- David Wästerfors – Gaming and play; self and society
- Anna Wiemer – Public space, digital space, hybrid space
Sustainability and Consumption
- Erik Brattström – Sustainability transitions
- Bo Isenberg – Consumption and class, consumption and individualisation
- Katinka Johansen – Energy transitions and social psychology, energy cultures
- Mikael Klintman – Sustainable innovation; social sustainability
- Anna-Lisa Lindén – Consumption; housing; environmental impact
Work / Organisation
- Dalia Abdelhady – Youth in the labor market, migrants and refugees in the labor market
- Rasmus Ahlstrand – Work organisation; subcontracting, flexibility, precarious and informal work, gig-work; migrant labour; industrial relations; construction-, and cleaning work
- Isak Engdahl – Big tech
- Lisa Flower – Legal profession
- Axel Fredholm – Threats and violence at the work place
- Henriette Frees Esholdt – Multi-ethnic work places; social relations at the work place
- Olle Frödin – Labour migration
- Antoinette Hetzler – Threat and violence at the work place; organization of the public sector
- Bo Isenberg – Flexibility, precariousness, craftsmanship
- Sandra Jönsson – Work-related bullying, digital harassment and bystanders, organisational forms and leadership
- Anders Kjellberg – Trade unions, employers' associations; industrial relations
- Maria Löfgren Martinsson – Higher education and career; HR related issues
- Christopher Mathieu – Career development, job quality; equality in the IT sector
- Shai Mulinari – The medicinal drug industry
- Kjell Nilsson – Social policy and the labour market
- Steven Sampson – Ethics in the private sector
- Johan Sandberg – Global recruitment of highly skilled workers
- Ann Mari Sellerberg – The trade industry, its workers and organization
- Håkan Silverup – Military organization and profession
- Jaleh Taheri – Women's participation in the work force in the Middle East
- Malin Åkerström – Administration; meeting cultures
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Contact us
The Department of Sociology
Bredgatan 26 (Allhelgonaskolan), Lund
Simon Turner
Head of Research
Email: simon [dot] turner [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se
Phone: +46 46 222 88 65
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