Research environments | groups
These pages present some of the research environments and groups that are currently active at the Department of Sociology, Lund University.
We are a large and diverse department covering a wide range of sociological and anthropological questions with our research. Our diversity encourages a creative and interesting work place that promotes interdisciplinary research projects and collaborations.
Our methodological traditions are varied, with a rich tradition in ethnography and qualitative methods, as well as practitioners of quantitative and computational social sciences methods.
The department’s collective expertise includes environmental and developmental issues, school and educational institutions, governance and control, criminology and social policy. Power relations and social cleavages, especially those based on ethnicity, gender, sexuality and social class are the focus of much of the department’s research.
Often clusters of researchers will crystallize and work together in smaller communities of research environments or groups, focusing on a specific area. Currently the following environments or groups are working together.