Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer
Research areas
- Sociology (excluding Social Work, Social Psychology and Social Anthropology)
- Public Health, Global Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology
I am interested in how market forces, government regulation and medical science affect medicines development and use in society. One theme in my research is the regulation of the pharmaceutical industry's business practices, marketing and transparency. In an ongoing project funded by the Swedish Research Council, we analyze transparency regarding financial relations between pharmaceutical companies and other actors such as doctors and patient organizations.
Another theme in my research is how regulatory authorities evaluate medicines and how economic, political and organizational conditions can influence regulatory decisions. Among other things, my research has investigated how regulatory authorities in the USA and Europe have evaluated influenza drugs.
Another theme in my research pertains to more classic themes within the sociology of knowledge such as how scientific “thought styles” as well as financial, professional and scientific interests and specific pieces of technology affect the content and development of research. Among other things, I have written about how financial and scientific interests first converged but then collided during the development of the pharmaceutical company Astra's antidepressant drug Zelmid. I have also described how the development of bio-psychiatric theories since the 1960s was strongly conditioned by the psychiatric drugs that were available to investigate in experimental research. In an ongoing project funded by The Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program - Humanities and Society (WASP-HS), we study the consequences of introducing Artificial Intelligence in biomedicine.
Finally, I am interested in the use of social categories, mainly racial and ethnicity categories, in medical research and especially pharmaceutical research and regulation. In an ongoing project funded by the Swedish Research Council, we therefore analyze the use of racial and ethnicity categories in medical research, policy and practice.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Results reporting for clinical trials led by medical universities and university hospitals in the Nordic countries was often missing or delayed
Gustav Nilsonne, Susanne Wieschowski, Nicholas J DeVito, Maia Salholz-Hillel, Love Ahnström, et al.
(2025) Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
Journal articleUnknowns of drug company payment disclosure : why the UK needs payment transparency legislation
Piotr Ozieranski, Emily Rickard, Shai Mulinari
(2025) BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine
Journal articlePharmaceutical Industry Payments to Patient Organizations in Poland : Analysis of the Patterns, Evolution, and Structure of Connections
Marta Makowska, Shai Mulinari, Piotr Ozieranski
(2024) International journal of social determinants of health and health services , p.27551938241305995-27551938241305995
Journal articleDrug company methodologies used for reporting in the UK pharmaceutical industry payment transparency database between 2015 and 2019 : A content analysis
James Larkin, Britta Matthes, Mohamed Azribi, Conor Kearns, Shai Mulinari, et al.
(2024) Health Policy, 149
Journal articleAligning digital biomarker definitions in psychiatry with the National Institute of Mental Health Research Domain Criteria framework
Shai Mulinari
(2024) NPP—Digital Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 2
Journal articleBroken beyond repair: self regulation of industry payments to clinicians and hospitals
Piotr Ozieranski, Shai Mulinari
(2024) BMJ: British Medical Journal, 386
Journal article (comment)Continued cancer drug approvals in Japan and Europe after market withdrawal in the United States : A comparative study of accelerated approvals
Hayase Hakariya, Frank Moriarty, Akihiko Ozaki, Shai Mulinari, Hiroaki Saito, et al.
(2024) Clinical and Translational Science, 17
Journal articleLäkares jäv bör redovisas i media
André Marx, Shai Mulinari, Patrik Bremdal
(2024) Dagens Media
Newspaper articlePatterns of company misconduct, recidivism, and complaint resolution delays : A temporal analysis of UK pharmaceutical industry self-regulation within the European context
Shai Mulinari, Dylan Pashley, Piotr Ozieranski
(2024) Regulation and Governance
Journal articleEvaluating time to withdrawal of anti-cancer drug indications that received FDA's accelerated approval
Hayase Hakariya, Akihiko Ozaki, Shai Mulinari, Frank Moriarty, Tetsuya Tanimoto
(2024) QJM - Monthly Journal of the Association of Physicians
Journal article (letter)Payments to healthcare organisations reported by the medical device industry in Europe from 2017 to 2019 : An observational study
James Larkin, Shai Mulinari, Piotr Ozieranski, Kevin Lynch, Tom Fahey, et al.
(2024) Health Policy and Technology, 13
Journal articleDelays in dealing with complaints against drug companies are growing, BMJ finds
Hristio Boytchev, Shai Mulinari, Piotr Ozieranski
(2024) BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 384 p.365-365
Journal article“Black race”, “Schwarze Hautfarbe”, “Origine africaine”, or “Etnia nera”? The absent presence of race in European pharmaceutical regulation
Shai Mulinari, Anna Bredström
(2024) BioSocieties, 19 p.19-36
Journal articleRace in clinical trials in Sweden: how regulatory and medical standards in clinical research trump the post-racial discourse
Shai Mulinari, Anna Bredström
(2024) Sociology of Health & Illness, 46 p.315-332
Journal articleAuthors’ reply to Fell
Shai Mulinari, Piotr Ozieranski
(2023) British Medical Journal, 383
Journal article (letter)Pharmaceutical industry payments to NHS trusts in England : A four-year analysis of the Disclosure UK database
Piotr Ozieranski, Eszter Saghy, Shai Mulinari
(2023) PLoS ONE, 18
Journal articleUnethical pharmaceutical marketing: a common problem requiring collective responsibility
Shai Mulinari, Piotr Ozieranski
(2023) BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 382
Journal articleInternational comparison of pharmaceutical industry payment disclosures in the UK and Japan: implications for self-regulation, public regulation, and transparency
Piotr Ozieranski, Hiroaki Saito, Emily Rickard, Shai Mulinari, Akihiko Ozaki
(2023) Globalization and Health, 19 p.1-42
Journal articleConceptual unclarity about COVID-19 ethnic disparities in Sweden: Implications for public health policy
Anna Bredström, Shai Mulinari
(2023) Health, 27 p.186-200
Journal articleShort-circuiting biology: Digital phenotypes, digital biomarkers, and shifting gazes in psychiatry
Shai Mulinari
(2023) Big Data and Society
Journal articleDe unga gör helt rätt när de stämmer staten
Christina Moberg, Hervé Corvellec, Anders Lindroth, Manuela Isacson, Linn Nilsson, et al.
(2022) Aftonbladet
Newspaper articleThe making of a Swedish strategy : How organizational culture shaped the Public Health Agency's pandemic response
Tobias Olofsson, Shai Mulinari, Maria Hedlund, Åsa Knaggård, Andreas Vilhelmsson
(2022) SSM Qualitative Research in Health, 2
Journal articleContent and strength of conflict of interest policies at Scandinavian Medical Schools: a cross sectional study
Alice Fabbri, Shai Mulinari, Martin Johansson, Weda Ghaur, Abdullah Muhammad Khalil, et al.
(2022) BMC Medical Education, 22
Journal articleAdvancing international comparison of pharmaceutical industry funding of patient advocacy: Focus on Denmark
Shai Mulinari, Dylan Pashley, Piotr Ozieranski
(2022) Health Policy, 126 p.1256-1262
Journal articleDisclosure of Pharmaceutical Industry Funding of Patient Organisations in Nordic Countries: Can Industry Self-Regulation Deliver on its Transparency Promise?
Dylan Pashley, Piotr Ozieranski, Shai Mulinari
(2022) International Journal of Health Services, 52 p.347-362
Journal articleTip of the iceberg? Country- and company-level analysis of drug company payments for research and development in Europe
Piotr Ozieranski, Luc Martinon, Pierre-Alain Jachiet, Shai Mulinari
(2022) International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 11 p.2842-2859
Journal articleCapitalizing on transparency: commercial surveillance and pharmaceutical marketing after the Physician Sunshine Act
Shai Mulinari, Piotr Ozieranski
(2022) Big Data and Society, 9
Journal articleA “patient-industry complex”? Investigating the financial dependency of UK patient organisations on drug company funding
Piotr Ozieranski, Pitter Janos, Emily Rickard, Shai Mulinari, Marcell Csanadi
(2022) Sociology of Health & Illness, 44 p.188-210
Journal articleAccessibility and quality of drug company disclosures of payments to healthcare professionals and organisations in 37 countries: A European policy review
Piotr Ozieranski, Luc Martinon, Pierre-Alain Jachiet, Shai Mulinari
(2021) BMJ Open, 11
Journal articleDrug company payments to General Practices in England: cross-sectional and social network analysis
Eszter Saghy, Shai Mulinari, Piotr Ozieranski
(2021) PLoS ONE, 16
Journal articlePharmaceutical industry self-regulation and non-transparency : country and company level analysis of payments to healthcare professionals in seven European countries
Shai Mulinari, Luc Martinon, Pierre-Alain Jachiet, Piotr Ozieranski
(2021) Health Policy, 125 p.915-922
Journal articleIs there evidence for the racialization of pharmaceutical regulation? : Systematic comparison of new drugs approved over five years in the USA and the EU
Shai Mulinari, Andreas Vilhelmsson, Piotr Ozieranski, Anna Bredström
(2021) Social Science and Medicine, 280
Journal articleData Transparency and Pharmaceutical Regulation in Europe : Road to Damascus, or Room without a View?
Courtney Davis, Shai Mulinari, Tom Jefferson
(2021) Transparency, Power, and Influence in the Pharmaceutical Industry : Policy Gain or Confidence Game? , p.63-94
Book chapterSociologisk forskning om covid-19-pandemin : En introduktion
Shai Mulinari, Linda Soneryd, Susanna Öhman
(2021) Sociologisk Forskning, 58 p.5-15
Journal article (comment)Failure of responsive regulation? : Pharmaceutical marketing, corporate impression management and off-label promotion of enzalutamide in Europe
Shai Mulinari, Courtney Davis, Piotr Ozieranski
(2021) Journal of White Collar and Corporate Crime, 2 p.69-80
Journal articleSweden
Tobias Olofsson, Andreas Vilhelmsson, Maria Hedlund, Åsa Knaggård, Shai Mulinari
(2021) Comparative Covid Response : Crisis, Knowledge, Politics
Report chapterPharmaceutical lobbying and pandemic stockpiling : A feeling of déjà vu in the Nordic countries and why the sociological perspective is crucial to understand COVID-19
Andreas Vilhelmsson, Shai Mulinari
(2020) Acta Sociologica, 63 p.439-442
Journal articleUnder-reported relationship: a comparative study of pharmaceutical industry and patient organisation payment disclosures in the UK (2012-2016)
Piotr Ozieranski, Marcell Csanadi, Emily Rickard, Shai Mulinari
(2020) BMJ Open, 10 p.1-11
Journal articleFive years of pharmaceutical industry funding of patient organisations in Sweden: cross-sectional study of companies, patient organisations and drugs
Shai Mulinari, Andreas Joakim Vilhelmsson, Emily Rickard, Piotr Ozieranski
(2020) PLoS ONE
Journal articleSociologiska perspektiv på coronakrisen : Fyra sociologer om samhällets reaktion på covid-19
Erna Danielsson, Fredrik Liljeros, Shai Mulinari, Linda Soneryd
(2020) Sociologisk Forskning, 57 p.67-76
Journal article (letter)Revisiting the pharmaceuticalisation of pandemic influenza using Lukes’ framework of power
Shai Mulinari, Andreas Vilhelmsson
(2020) Sociology of Health & Illness, 42 p.327-341
Journal articleThe will of Congress? Permissive regulation and the strategic use of labeling for the anti-influenza drug Relenza
Shai Mulinari, Courtney Davis
(2020) Social Studies of Science, 50 p.145-169
Journal articleBengt Olle Bengtsson intervjuad av Shai Mulinari : Om genetisk likhet och skillnad
Bengt Olle Bengtsson, Shai Mulinari
(2020) Fronesis , p.24-38
Journal articleRas och genetiska skillnader : Introduktion till avsnittets texter
Shai Mulinari
(2020) Fronesis , p.20-23
Journal articleSvenska gener? : Om stratifierad precisionsmedicin och genetikens etniska gränsdragningar
Anna Bredström, Shai Mulinari
(2020) Fronesis , p.65-81
Journal articleRas i genetikens tidevarv
Shabane Barot, Anna Bredström, Shai Mulinari, Mani Shutzberg
(2020) Fronesis , p.8-17
Journal articleEvaluating the transparency of pharmaceutical company disclosure of payments to patient organisations in the UK
Emily Richard, Piotr Ozieranski, Shai Mulinari
(2019) Health Policy, 123 p.1244-1250
Journal articleThe whistleblowing drama behind Astellas’s suspension from the ABPI
Deborah Cohen, Shai Mulinari, Piotr Ozieranski
(2019) BMJ: British Medical Journal, 366
Journal article (letter)Analysis of Pharmaceutical Industry Payments to UK Health Care Organizations in 2015
Piotr Ozieranski, Marcell Csanadi, Emily Rickard, Jordan Tchilingirian, Shai Mulinari
(2019) JAMA Network Open, 2 p.196253-196253
Journal articleExposing drug industry funding of UK patient organisations
Piotr Ozieranski, Emily Richard, Shai Mulinari
(2019) BMJ: British Medical Journal, 365
Journal articleLet the drugs lead the way! : On the unfolding of a research programme in psychiatry
Shai Mulinari
(2018) Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology, 4 p.289-302
Journal articleExplaining biological depression theories
Shai Mulinari
(2018) Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology, 4 p.309-310
Journal article (letter)Regulatory scientists' work has important ramifications for public health and should be open to public scrutiny
Shai Mulinari, Courtney Davis
(2018) Health Research Policy and Systems, 2018 p.98-98
Journal article (letter)Overuse of methylphenidate : an analysis of Swedish pharmacy dispensing data
Pernilla J Bjerkeli, Raquel Perez Vicente, Shai Mulinari, Kristina Johnell, Juan Merlo
(2018) Clinical Epidemiology, 10 p.1657-1665
Journal articleDisclosure of payments by pharmaceutical companies to healthcare professionals in the United Kingdom: analysis of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry’s Disclosure UK database, 2015 and 2016 cohorts
Shai Mulinari, Piotr Ozieranski
(2018) BMJ Open, 8
Journal articleSunshine Policies and Murky Shadows in Europe: Disclosure of Pharmaceutical Industry Payments to Health Professionals in Nine European Countries
Alice Fabbri, Ancel.la Santos, Signe Mezinska, Shai Mulinari, Barbara Mintzes
(2018) International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 7 p.504-509
Journal articleChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Sweden: an intersectional multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy
Sten Axelsson Fisk, Shai Mulinari, Maria Wemrell, George Leckie, Raquel Perez Vicente, et al.
(2018) SSM - Population Health, 4 p.334-346
Journal articleSociodemographic patterns in pharmacy dispensing of medications for erectile dysfunction in Sweden
Pernilla J Bjerkeli, Shai Mulinari, Sofia Zettermark, Juan Merlo
(2018) European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 74 p.209-218
Journal articlePharmaceutical lobbying and pandemic stockpiling of Tamiflu: a qualitative study of arguments and tactics
Andreas Vilhelmsson, Shai Mulinari
(2018) Journal of Public Health, 40 p.646-651
Journal articleCategorical and anti-categorical approaches to US racial/ethnic groupings: revisiting the National 2009 H1N1 Flu Survey (NHFS)
Shai Mulinari, Maria Wemrell, Björn Rönnerstrand, SV Subramanian, Juan Merlo
(2018) Critical Public Health, 28 p.177-189
Journal articleThe tyranny of the averages and the indiscriminate use of risk factors in public health : The case of coronary heart disease
Juan Merlo, Shai Mulinari, Maria Wemrell, S V Subramanian, Bo Hedblad
(2017) SSM - Population Health, 3 p.684-698
Journal articleWhy European and United States drug regulators are not speaking with one voice on anti-influenza drugs: regulatory review methodologies and the importance of 'deep' product reviews
Shai Mulinari, Courtney Davis
(2017) Health Research Policy and Systems, 15
Journal articleIntersectionality and risk of ischemic heart disease in Sweden: categorical and anti-categorical approaches
Maria Wemrell, Shai Mulinari, Juan Merlo
Conference - otherTwo thirds of Survey Respondents in Southern Sweden used Complementary or Alternative Medicine (CAM) in 2015
Maria Wemrell, Juan Merlo, Shai Mulinari, Anne-Christine Hornborg
(2017) Complementary Medicine Research, 24 p.302-309
Journal articleIntersektionalitet och risk för ischemisk hjärtsjukdom i Sverige
Maria Wemrell, Shai Mulinari, Juan Merlo
(2017) BestPractice Diabetes / Hjärtkärlsjukdomar i Sverige, 2017
Journal articleAn intersectional approach to multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity (MAIH) and discriminatory accuracy
Maria Wemrell, Shai Mulinari, Juan Merlo
(2017) Social Science and Medicine, 178 p.217-219
Journal articleIntersectionality and risk for ischemic heart disease in Sweden: Categorical and anti-categorical approaches
Maria Wemrell, Shai Mulinari, Juan Merlo
(2017) Social Science and Medicine, 177 p.213-222
Journal articleUnhealthy marketing of pharmaceutical products: An international public health concern
Shai Mulinari
(2016) Journal of Public Health Policy, 37 p.149-159
Journal articleRegulating Pharmaceutical Industry Marketing: Development, Enforcement and Outcome of Marketing Rules
Shai Mulinari
(2016) Sociology Compass, 10 p.74-86
Journal articleTestosterone prescribing in the population-a short social epidemiological analysis in Sweden.
Pernilla Bjerkeli, Shai Mulinari, Juan Merlo
(2016) Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 25 p.11-15
Journal articleAppropriate assessment of ethnic differences in adolescent use of psychotropic medication: multilevel analysis of discriminatory accuracy.
Anna-Karin Ivert, Shai Mulinari, Willemijn van Leeuwen, Philippe Wagner, Juan Merlo
(2016) Ethnicity and Health, 21 p.578-595
Journal articlePharmaceutical Industry Off-label Promotion and Self-regulation: A Document Analysis of Off-label Promotion Rulings by the United Kingdom Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority 2003-2012.
Andreas Vilhelmsson, Courtney Davis, Shai Mulinari
(2016) PLoS Medicine, 13
Journal articleContemporary Epidemiology : A Review of Critical Discussions Within the Discipline and A Call for Further Dialogue with Social Theory
Maria Wemrell, Juan Merlo, Shai Mulinari, Anne-Christine Hornborg
(2016) Sociology Compass, 10 p.153-171
Journal articleAnvändning av alternativ och komplementär medicin (AKM) i Skåne: Pilotstudie 2016
Maria Wemrell, Juan Merlo, Shai Mulinari, Anne-Christine Hornborg
ReportMeasures of discriminatory accuracy and categorizations in public health: a response to Allan Krasnik's editorial.
Juan Merlo, Shai Mulinari
(2015) European Journal of Public Health, 25 p.910-910
Journal article (letter)Does Maternal Country of Birth Matter for Understanding Offspring’s Birthweight? A Multilevel Analysis of Individual Heterogeneity in Sweden
Shai Mulinari, Sol Pia Juarez, Philippe Wagner, Juan Merlo
(2015) PLoS ONE, 10
Journal articleEtik och marknadsföring: Skäl till självkritik?
Shai Mulinari
(2015) Pharma Industry, 2 p.28-30
Journal articleMånga allvarliga brott mot regler när läkemedel marknadsförs
Shai Mulinari
(2015) Läkartidningen, 112 p.703-703
Journal article (letter)Money, Money, Money? Politico-Moral Discourses of Stem Cell Research in a Grant Allocation Process
Shai Mulinari, Tora Holmberg, Malin Ideland
(2015) Science & Technology Studies, 28 p.53-72
Journal articleDivergence and convergence of commercial and scientific priorities in drug development: the case of Zelmid, the first SSRI antidepressant
Shai Mulinari
(2015) Social Science and Medicine, 138 p.217-224
Journal articleQuestioning the discriminatory accuracy of broad migrant categories in public health: self-rated health in Sweden
Shai Mulinari, Anna Bredström, Juan Merlo
(2015) European Journal of Public Health, 25 p.911-917
Journal articleReplik, etik och marknadsföring: Inte för sent för reformer
Shai Mulinari
(2015) Läkartidningen, 112
Journal article (letter)Complaints, Complainants, and Rulings Regarding Drug Promotion in the United Kingdom and Sweden 2004–2012: A Quantitative and Qualitative Study of Pharmaceutical Industry Self-Regulation
Anna Zetterqvist, Juan Merlo, Shai Mulinari
(2015) PLoS Medicine, 12
Journal articleThe specificity triad: notions of disease and therapeutic specificity in biomedical reasoning
Shai Mulinari
(2014) Philosophy Ethics and Humanities in Medicine, 9
Journal articleRegulating drug information in Europe: a pyrrhic victory for pharmaceutical industry critics?
Shai Mulinari
(2013) Sociology of Health & Illness, 35 p.761-777
Journal articleMisleading advertising for antidepressants in sweden: a failure of pharmaceutical industry self-regulation.
Anna Zetterqvist, Shai Mulinari
(2013) PLoS ONE, 8
Journal articleGenetics and democracy-what is the issue?
Niclas Hagen, Maria Hedlund, Susanne Lundin, Shai Mulinari, Ulf Kristoffersson
(2012) Journal of Community Genetics
Journal articleSlapp hantering av läkemedelsindustrin skadar Läkemedelsverkets trovärdighet
Shai Mulinari
(2012) Läkartidningen, 109 p.2107-2107
Journal article (letter)Monoamine theories of depression: historical impact on biomedical research
Shai Mulinari
(2012) Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, 21 p.366-392
Journal articleRegulating drug information in Europe: a pyrrhic victory for countervailing forces?
Shai Mulinari
Conference paper: abstractVarför fara med osanningar om depressioners orsaker?
Shai Mulinari
(2011) Läkartidningen, 108 p.1839-1840
Journal article (letter)Rho-guanine nucleotide exchange factors during development: Force is nothing without control.
Shai Mulinari, Udo Häcker
(2010) Small GTPases, 1 p.28-43
Journal articleHedgehog, but not Odd skipped, induces segmental grooves in the Drosophila epidermis.
Shai Mulinari, Udo Häcker
(2009) Development: For advances in developmental biology and stem cells, 136 p.3875-3880
Journal articleFrom Cell Shape to Body Shape: Epithelial Morphogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster
Shai Mulinari
(2008) Lund University Faculty of Medicine Doctoral Dissertation Series, 2008:82
DissertationDRhoGEF2 and Diaphanous Regulate Contractile Force during Segmental Groove Morphogenesis in the Drosophila Embryo.
Shai Mulinari, Mojgan Padash, Udo Häcker
(2008) Molecular Biology of the Cell, 19 p.1883-1892
Journal articleExpression and regulation of Spätzle-processing enzyme in Drosophila.
Shai Mulinari, Udo Häcker, Casimiro Castillejo-Lopez
(2006) FEBS Letters, 580 p.5406-5410
Journal article
Watch webinar on registration and reporting of drug trials on humans
Shai Mulinari presented "We have come a long way. Data transparency and pharmaceutical regulation in Europe” at the Cochrane Sweden webinar, 17 June, 2021.