PhD, Professor
Main research or teaching areas
- Historical sociology
- Welfare state and family relations
- Family policy
- Labour market policies
Current research and education
My research interests are broadly concerned with welfare politics and family relations. I have studied gender relations and the historical development of Swedish labour market- and family policies, lone mothers strategies to combine paid work and family life, the development of parenting support policies, and, more recently, older female workers wellbeing in the labour market.
My teaching subjects include historical sociology, qualitative methods, social policy and gender studies.
Elected memberships
Between 2022 and 2024, I served as Chair of the Swedish Sociological Association (https://www.sverigessociologforbund.se). I am a member of the Scientific Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences at the Swedish Research Council. I am also a member of Academia Europaea.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Exploring the challenges and facilitators that impact the experiences of being an older female worker in the European labour market: Findings from a rapid review of literature
Shruti Raghuraman, Susan Reh, Åsa Lundqvist, Emma Jeanes, Laura Trigg, et al.
(2023) European Journal of Workplace Innovation, 8 p.18-47
Journal articleParental Leave Reforms in South Korea, 1995–2021: Policy Translation and Institutional Legacies
Yeon-jin Kim, Åsa Lundqvist
(2023) Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society, 30 p.1113-1136
Journal articleStill a poster child for social investment? Changing regulatory dynamics of early childhood education and care in Denmark and Sweden
Caroline de la Porte, Trine Larsen, Åsa Lundqvist
(2023) Regulation & Governance, 17 p.628-643
Journal articlePlötsligt händer det! Om nyfikenhet och lyckträffar på fältet.
Åsa Lundqvist
(2023) Den empiriska glädjen. En vänbok till Malin Åkerström , p.326-336
Book chapterChallenges to a sustainable working life for older women in Europe
Susan Reh, Shruti Raghuraman, Åsa Lundqvist, Victoria Tischler, Emma Jeanes, et al.
(2022) Sustainable Work in Europe. Concepts, Conditions, Challenges
Book chapterChildren's rights and gender equality in Swedish parenting support: policy and practice
Lisa Eklund, Åsa Lundqvist
(2021) Journal of Family Studies, 27 p.32-47
Journal articleGouverner en tant que pairs (governing as peers) : experts réticents et parents compétents au sein de l’État-providence suédois
Lisa Eklund, Åsa Lundqvist
(2020) Lien social et Politiques , p.128-128
Journal articleThe politics of persuasion. : Opinion-shaping activities and gender equality in Sweden, 1960-1970
Åsa Lundqvist
(2019) Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work, 29 p.243-256
Journal articleFamiljen i det moderna revisited : Festskrift till Christine Roman
Åsa Lundqvist
(2019) Samhälle i förhandling. Villkor, processer, konsekvenser , p.227-238
Book chapterNormative Foundations of Nordic Family and Gender Equality Policies: Developments and Challenges
Åsa Lundqvist
(2019) Globalizing Welfare. An Evolving Asian-European Dialogue , p.184-199
Book chapterGenus, kultur och välfärd : Migranta kvinnor i jämställdhetspolitiska diskurser
Diana Mulinari, Åsa Lundqvist
(2018) Nation i ombildning : Essäer om 2000-talet Sverige , p.121-143
Book chapterTransforming Gender and Family Relations: How Active Labour Market Policies Shaped the Dual Earner Model
Åsa Lundqvist
BookInvisible, Burdensome and Threatening. The location of Migrant Women in the Swedish welfare state.
Diana Mulinari, Åsa Lundqvist
(2017) Political and Social Change , p.119-141
Book chapterCapable to Care? Parenting Support Policies and the Changing Concept of Care
Åsa Lundqvist
Conference paper: abstractEnsamma mammor. Dilemman, resurser, strategier
Åsa Lundqvist, Christine Roman, Jenny Alsarve
BookParenting and parenting support in Germany and Sweden: Convergence and persistent dissimilarities
Åsa Lundqvist, Ilona Ostner
(2017) Zeitschrift fur Familienforschung - Journal of Familiy Research, 11 p.313-339
Journal articleNew Social Risk Policies for German and Swedish Families
Åsa Lundqvist, Ilona Ostner
Conference - otherInledning till temanumret Migration
(2016) Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift
Editor for a journalPreventing ill-health or promoting Gender Equality? Recent trends in caring and parenting support policies in Sweden
Åsa Lundqvist
Conference paperActivating Women in the Swedish Model
Åsa Lundqvist
(2015) Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society, 22 p.111-132
Journal articleParenting Support in Sweden: New Policies in Old Settings
Åsa Lundqvist
(2015) Social Policy and Society, 14 p.657-668
Journal articleThe Politics of Part-Time Work in Denmark and Sweden 1940-1970
Åsa Lundqvist, Klaus Petersen, Mai Hostrup Brunse
Conference paperSkapa förutsättningar för forskning - generiska färdigheter för doktorander
Ann-Sofie Zettergren, Hanna Voog, Hervé Corvellec, Åsa Lundqvist
(2014) , p.53-53
Conference paper: abstractJämställdhetsideologins blinda fläckar
Åsa Lundqvist
(2014) Kritiska gemenskaper: att skriva feministisk och postkolonial vetenskap
Book chapterErsättning vid arbetslöshet för kvinnor och män
Åsa Lundqvist
(2014) Jämställdhet i socialförsäkringen? , p.21-54
Book chapterRegulating the family in Times of Economic Crisis. Sweden in the 1930s and the 1990s”,
Åsa Lundqvist
(2013) Before and Beyond the Global Economic Crisis: Economics, Politics and Settlement
Book chapterFinanskrisen och de ensamma mammorna: Prekära familjeliv bland förvärvsarbetande mödrar i dagens Sverige
Åsa Lundqvist
(2013) Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 16 p.247-260
Journal articleCatrin Andersson, Hundra år av tvåsamhet: äktenskapet i svenska statliga utredningar 1909–2009
Åsa Lundqvist
(2013) Historisk Tidskrift, 133 p.107-108
ReviewGendered Tradeoffs: Family, Social Politics and Economic Inequality in Twenty-One Countries
Åsa Lundqvist
(2013) Journal of Social Policy, 42 p.655-657
ReviewFemininity at Work. Labour and Changing Relationships of Power in a Swedish Hospital
Åsa Lundqvist
(2013) Tidskrift för genusvetenskap , p.137-139
ReviewAtt reformera välfärdsstaten – ett historiskt perspektiv på den aktiva arbetsmarknadspolitiken och kvinnors förvärvsarbete
Åsa Lundqvist
(2013) De första 100 åren – svensk välfärdspolitik mellan historia och framtid. Socialförsäkringsrapport 2013:4, Socialförsäkringsrapport 2013:4 p.21-36
Book chapterFeminism and Activation Policies: Swedish Activating Inspectors and Women’s Entrance in the Labour Market in the 1960s
Åsa Lundqvist
Conference paperLone mothers and the financial crisis: Precarious family life among working mothers in today’s Sweden
Åsa Lundqvist
Conference paperThe Gender Equal Father? (Welfare) Politics of Masculinity in Sweden, 1960-2010
Åsa Lundqvist
(2012) Men, wage work and family
Book chapterKritisk, självständig och nyttig. Mål och praktik i forskarhandledning
Åsa Lundqvist, Mats Benner
(2012) Högre utbildning, 2
Journal articleActivating Women. Active Labour Market Policies, Activating Inspectors and the Transformation of Family and Gender Relations in Sweden, 1960-1980
Åsa Lundqvist
Conference paperRegulating the family in Times of Economic Crisis. Sweden in the 1930s and the 1990s
Åsa Lundqvist
(2012) Before and Beyond the Global Economic Crisis: Economics, Politics and Settlement
Book chapterFamily Policy Paradoxes. Gender Equality and Labour Market regulation in Sweden, 1930-2010
Åsa Lundqvist
BookVälfärdsstatens mödrar och barn: mellan arbetsmarknad, jämställdhet och välfärdspolitik
Åsa Lundqvist
(2011) Arbejdermuseet og ABA årbog 2011
Book chapterHundra år av tvåsamhet. Äktenskapet i svenska statliga utredningar 1909-2009
Åsa Lundqvist
(2011) Sociologisk Forskning, 48 p.59-60
Åsa Lundqvist, Janet Fink
(2010) Changing relations of welfare. Gender, family and migration in Britian and Scandinavia
Book chapterIn Experts We Trust. Knowledge, Politics and Bureaucracy in Nordic Welfare States
(2010) University of Southern Denmark. Studies in History and Social Sciences
BookThe institutionalization of family and gender equality policies in the Swedish welfare state
Åsa Lundqvist, Christine Roman
(2010) Changing relations of welfare. Gender, family and migration in Britian and Scandinavia
Book chapterGlobalization and Inequalities. Complexity and Contested Modernities
Åsa Lundqvist
(2010) Acta Sociologica, 53 p.398-400
ReviewExperts, knowledge and the Nordic welfare states
Åsa Lundqvist, Klaus Petersen
(2010) In Experts We Trust. Knowledge, Politics and Bureaucracy in Nordic Welfare States , p.9-35
Book chapterPolitiska regleringar och akademisk diskurs. Svensk familjepolitik under 70 år
Åsa Lundqvist, Christine Roman
(2009) Välfärd, genus och familj
Book chapterVälfärd, genus och familj
BookStudent Centred Learning in a Flexible Blended Mode Environment
Lars Harrysson, Ingrid Jönsson, Åsa Lundqvist, Jan Magnusson, Kjell Nilsson, et al.
Conference paperLa famille et le modèle nordique
Åsa Lundqvist
(2009) Revue d'Histoire Nordique , p.95-113
Journal articleConstruction(s) of Swedish Family Policy, 1930-2000
Åsa Lundqvist, Christine Roman
(2008) Journal of Family History, 33 p.216-236
Journal articleKontinuitet och förändring i svensk familjepolitisk reproduktionsdiskurs
Åsa Lundqvist
Conference paperFamiljens kris. Fem decennier av svensk familjepolitik
Åsa Lundqvist
(2008) Tidskrift för genusvetenskap
Journal articleFamily Policy Between Science and Politics
Åsa Lundqvist
(2008) Gender Equality and Welfare Politics in Scandinavia , p.97-114
Book chapterAtt utmana vetandets gränser
BookDet uttalade och det outtalade. Om tolkningsarbete i historiesociologiska studier
Åsa Lundqvist
(2005) Att utmana vetandets gränser. En bok om metod, metodologi och epistemologi
Book chapterInledning
Åsa Lundqvist, Diana Mulinari, Karen Davies
(2005) Att utmana vetandets gränser. En bok om epistemologi, metodologi och metod
Book chapterWishing, choosing and wanting. On the decision to have a child
Åsa Lundqvist, C Roman
(2003) Sociologisk Forskning, 40 p.12-34
Journal articleBygden, bruket och samhället : Om människor och organisationer i brukssamhället Böksholm 1900-1979
Åsa Lundqvist
DissertationConceptualising Gender in a Swedish Context
Åsa Lundqvist
(2000) Gender and History. Retrospect and Prospect
Book chapterConceptualising Gender in a Swedish Context
Åsa Lundqvist
(1999) Gender and History, 11 p.583-596
Journal articleFeministiska perspektiv på organisationer
Åsa Lundqvist
(1997) Sociologisk kvinnoforskning
Book chapterSociologisk kvinnoforskning
BookKvinnor i en facklig värld : En studie av kvinnliga förtroendevalda i Lärarförbundet
Åsa Lundqvist
Licentiate thesis