Senior Professor
Sociology, currently associated with the Department of Human Geography
Researching rural and agrarian developoment i India and in sub-Saharan Africa
Current research
1) Completed a monograph on Agrarian structural transformation in India. (forthcoming Routledge 2016)
2) Yield gaps in sub-Saharan Africa: Socio-political and biophysical causes of suboptimal yields among African smallholders. Together with human geographers and agronomists developing new methods using unmanned aerial vehicles and remote sense data, combined with conventional survey data.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Models for Non-Modelers : Understanding the Use of Models for Social Scientists and Others
Göran Djurfeldt, Ola Hall
Book‘Big is not always beautiful’ : Family farms and capitalism
Goran Djurfeldt
(2021) Global Political Economy : A Critique of Contemporary Capitalism , p.222-241
Book chapterThe Gendered Possibilities for Participating in Agricultural Intensification in Sub-Saharan Africa – a Longitudinal Perspective from Seven Regions in Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia
Agnes Andersson Djurfeltd, Göran Djurfeldt, Ellen Hillbom, Aida Cuthbert Isinika, Miriam Dalitso Kalanda Joshua, et al.
(2020) SSRN (Social Science Research Network)
PreprintMicro-Spatial Analysis of Maize Yield Gap Variability and Production Factors
Sussy Munialo, Ola Hall, Niklas Boke-Olén, Cecilia Onyango M., Willis Oluoch-Kosura, et al.
(2019) Agriculture, 9
Journal article171 forskare: ”Vi vuxna bör också klimatprotestera”
Per Adman, Mats Alvesson, Elina Andersson, Mimmi Maria Barmark, Ebba Brink, et al.
(2019) Dagens nyheter (DN debatt)
Newspaper articleGreen revolution
Göran Djurfeldt
(2019) Encyclopedia of Food Security and Sustainability, 3 p.147-151
Book chapterIs there such a thing as sustainable agricultural intensification in smallholder-based farming in sub-Saharan Africa? Understanding yield differences in relation to gender in Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia
Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt, Göran Djurfeldt, Ellen Hillbom, Aida C. Isinika, Miriam Dalitso Kalanda Joshua, et al.
(2019) Development Studies Research, 6 p.62-75
Journal article"The family farms together, the decisions, however are made by the man" -Matrilineal land tenure systems, welfare and decision making in rural Malawi
Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt, Ellen Hillbom, Wapulumuka O. Mulwafu, Peter Mvula, Göran Djurfeldt
(2018) Land Use Policy, 70 p.601-610
Journal articleUsing panel survey and remote sensing data to explain yield gaps for maize in sub-Saharan Africa
Göran Djurfeldt, Ola Hall, Magnus Jirström, Maria Archila, Björn Holmquist, et al.
(2018) Journal of Land Use Science, 13 p.344-357
Journal articleWater for Agriculture: From Stagnation to Challenging Transformation
Staffan Lindberg, A Rajagopal, Venkatesh B. Athreya, Göran Djurfeldt, R Vidyasagar
(2018) Society, Environment and Development , p.3-24
Book chapterAgrarian Change and Structural Transformation: Drivers and Distributional Outcomes
Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt, Göran Djurfeldt, Ola Hall, Maria Francisca, Archila Bustos
(2018) Agriculture, Diversification, and Gender in Rural Africa: Longitudinal Perspectives from Six Countries , p.113-113
Book chapterThe ‘agrarian question’ in the rear view mirror – some personal reflections
Göran Djurfeldt
Conference paperProgress over the long haul dynamics of agrarian change in the kaveri delta
Staffan Lindberg, Venkatesh B. Athreya, Göran Djurfeldt, A. Rajagopal, R. Vidyasagar
(2017) Persistence of Poverty in India , p.344-346
Book chapterExplaining changes in maize yields among smallholders in sub-Saharan Africa with survey and remote sense data
Göran Djurfeldt, Ola Hall, Maria Archila, Björn Holmquist, Sultana Nasrin, et al.
Working paperChanging Social and Political Relations in the Kaveri Delta
Staffan Lindberg, Venkatesh B. Athreya, R Vidyasagar, A Rajagopal, Göran Djurfeldt
Working paperWater Management and Agrarian transformation in India
A. Rajagopal, Staffan Lindberg, Göran Djurfeldt, Venkatesh B. Athreya, R. Vidyasagar
(2016) , p.1-34
Conference paperFamily and capitalist farming: Conceptual and historical perspectives
Göran Djurfeldt
(2016) Structural transformation and agrarian change in India
Book chapterDrivers of rice production: evidence from five Sub-Saharan African countries
Sultana Nasrin, Johanna Bergman-Lodin, Magnus Jirström, Björn Holmquist, Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt, et al.
(2015) Agriculture & Food Security, 4 p.1-19
Journal articleStatistisk verktygslåda 0 - att förstå och förändra världen med siffror
Mimmi Maria Barmark, Göran Djurfeldt
BookCommunity, cohesion and context: agrarian development and religion in Eastern Region, Ghana
Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt, Göran Djurfeldt, Daniel Bruce Sarpong
(2014) Geoforum, 52 p.78-89
Journal articleProgress over the Long Haul: Dynamics of Agrarian Change in the Kaveri Delta
Staffan Lindberg, Athreya Venkatesh B, Göran Djurfeldt, A Rajagopal, R Vidyasagar
(2014) Persistence of Poverty in India , p.344-369
Book chapterGeography of Gender Gaps: Regional patterns of income and farm nonfarm interaction among male- and female-headed households in eight African countries
Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt, Göran Djurfeldt, Johanna Bergman-Lodin
(2013) World Development, 48 p.32-47
Journal articleStructural transformation and African smallholders: drivers and dynamics of change for eight countries
Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt, Göran Djurfeldt
(2013) Oxford Development Studies, 41
Journal articleDrivers of Rice Production - Evidence from five Sub-Saharan Africa countries
Sultana Nasrin, Johanna Bergman-Lodin, Magnus Jirström, Björn Holmquist, Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt, et al.
Working paperPower of tests for endogeneity in explanatory binary variables in multivariate linear regression models
Sultana Nasrin, Björn Holmquist, Göran Djurfeldt
Working paperDesigning Collective Action: Problems of Local Water Management in Tiruchi District
Staffan Lindberg, Rajagopal A., Göran Djurfeldt, Athreya Venkatesh B., Vidyasagar R.
(2012) Review of Agrarian Studies, 1
Journal articleA Silent “Revolution”? Women’s Empowerment through Micro-Credit and Reserved Seats in Local Government in Rural Tamil Nadu
Staffan Lindberg, Athreya Venkatesh B., Vidyasagar R., Göran Djurfeldt, Rajagopal A.
(2011) Economic and Political Weekly, 46 p.111-120
Journal articleHas the Nigerian Green Revolution veered off track?
Olatunji Akande, Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt, Göran Djurfeldt, Femisola Ogundele
(2011) African smallholders - food crops, markets and technology, , p.257-280
Book chapterAfrint database
Göran Djurfeldt, Teketel Abebe, Akande Olatunji, Wolday Amha, Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt, et al.
OtherA New Era for sub-Saharan African Agriculture? Changing Drivers of Maize Production
Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt, Göran Djurfeldt, Björn Holmquist, Sultana Nasrin
(2011) African smallholders - food crops, markets and technology , p.107-137
Book chapterTesting endogeneity in explanatory binary and counting variables in multivariate linear regression models
Björn Holmquist, Sultana Nasrin, Göran Djurfeldt
Working paperConclusions: What Direction for the Future of African Agriculture
Aryeetey Ernest, Göran Djurfeldt, Isinika Aida
(2011) African smallholders - food crops, markets and technology , p.354-372
Book chapterThe Millennium Development Goals and the African Food Crisis - report from the Afrint II project
Göran Djurfeldt, Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt, Hans Holmén, Magnus Jirström
(2011) Human Rights and Political Participation Team
ReportSmallholders caught in poverty – Flickering signs of agricultural dynamism
Magnus Jirström, Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt, Göran Djurfeldt
(2011) African smallholders: food crops, markets and technology, , p.74-106
Book chapterThe Gendered Production---Marketing Continuum of NERICA Upland Rice in Hoima District, Uganda
Johanna Bergman-Lodin, Göran Djurfeldt, Julius Twinamasiko
Conference paper: abstractThe Gendered Production---Marketing Continuum of NERICA Upland Rice in Hoima District, Uganda
Johanna Bergman-Lodin, Göran Djurfeldt, Julius Twinamasiko
PosterEkologiskt jordbruk är inte etiskt hållbart för Afrika
Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt, Göran Djurfeldt
(2010) Ett jordbruk som håller i längden
Book chapterBaseras bistånd på ideologi eller vetenskap?
Torbjörn Fagerström, Göran Djurfeldt, Axel Fredholm
(2009) Omvärlden
Newspaper articleRomantisk syn på jordbruket ökar fattigdom
Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt, Göran Djurfeldt, Magnus Jirström
(2009) Sydsvenskan
Newspaper articleAvoiding the counterfactuals: Research design in assesing the impact of agricultural research
Göran Djurfeldt, Torbjörn Fagerström, Axel Fredholm
ReportLogistisk regressionsanalys
Mimmi Maria Barmark, Göran Djurfeldt
(2009) Statistisk verktygslåda 2 - multivariat analys , p.125-148
Book chapterAgrarian Change and Social Mobility in Tamil Nadu
Göran Djurfeldt, Venkatesh B. Athreya, N Jayakumar, Staffan Lindberg, R. Vidyasagar, et al.
(2008) Economic and Political Weekly, 43
Working paperAfrican farm dynamics and the sub-continental food crisis – the case of maize
Göran Djurfeldt, Rolf Larsson, Björn Holmquist, Magnus Jirström, Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt
(2008) Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Section C. Food Economics, 5 p.75-91
Journal articleAfrica's Food Crisis: Does Asia's green revolution offer any lessons?
Göran Djurfeldt, Magnus Jirström, Hans Holmén
(2008) Agriculture, Trade and Development: Toward greater coherence , p.73-86
Book chapterAddressing Food Crisis in Africa.
Göran Djurfeldt, Hans Holmén, Magnus Jirström
(2007) Ökonomisk utvikling, landbruk och bistand , p.39-44
Conference paperWomen and Social Change in Rural Tamil Nadu
Staffan Lindberg, Venkatesh B. Athreya, Vidyasagar R., Göran Djurfeldt, Rajagopal A.
Working paperQuiet Revolution - Industrialisation and welfare policy in rural Tamil Nadu
Staffan Lindberg, Göran Djurfeldt
(2007) Internasjonal Politikk, 65 p.37-37
Journal articleCaste and Democratic Decentralisation in Rural Tamil Nadu
Staffan Lindberg, Vidyasagar R., Venkatesh B. Athreya, Göran Djurfeldt
Working paperModelling Social Mobility in Rural Tamil Nadu
Göran Djurfeldt, Venkatesh B. Athreya, N. Jayakumar, Staffan Lindberg, A. Rajagopal, et al.
Working paperSocial Mobility and Agrarian Transformation - An Indian case
Venkatesh B. Athreya, Göran Djurfeldt, Staffan Lindberg, Rajagopal A., Vidyasagar R.
Conference paperAfrikas gröna revolution kom av sig.
Hans Holmén, Magnus Jirström, Göran Djurfeldt
(2006) Forskning & framsteg , p.52-57
Journal articleAfrican farm trajectories and the sub-continental food crisis
Göran Djurfeldt, Rolf Larsson, Magnus Jirström, Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt
Working paperAddressing Food Crisis in Africa - What can sub-Saharan Africa learn from Asian experiences in addressing its food crisis?
Göran Djurfeldt, Hans Holmén, Magnus Jirström, Rolf Larsson
ReportAfrikas vernachlässigte Bauern.
Göran Djurfeldt, Hans Holmén, Magnus Jirström
(2006) Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit, Volume 33 p.130-130
Journal articleAfrikas livsmedelskris - Finns det lärdomar att dra från Asiens gröna revolutioner?
Göran Djurfeldt, Hans Holmén, Magnus Jirström
(2006) Jordbruk, handel och utveckling: Mot ökad samstämmighet , p.89-102
Book chapterDubbelmoral om Afrika
Göran Djurfeldt, Hans Holmén, Magnus Jirström
(2005) Sydsvenskan
Newspaper articleFood Security, agricultural technology and policy – the case of maize in sub-Saharan Africa
Göran Djurfeldt, Rolf Larsson
Working paperAfrican farm trajectories and the sub-continental food crisis
Göran Djurfeldt, Rolf Larsson
Working paperConclusions and a Look Ahead.
T. Akande, Göran Djurfeldt
(2005) The African Food Crisis: Lessons from the Asian Green Revolution , p.253-260
Book chapterThe puzzle of the policy shift – The early Green Revolution in India, Indonesia and the Philippines
Göran Djurfeldt, Magnus Jirström
(2005) The African Food Crisis: Lessons from the Asian Green Revolution , p.43-63
Book chapterGlobal Perspectives on Agricultural Development.
Göran Djurfeldt
(2005) The African Food Crisis: Lessons from the Asian Green Revolution , p.9-24
Book chapterFood Security, agricultural technology and policy – the case of maize in sub-Saharan Africa
Göran Djurfeldt, Rolf Larsson
Conference paperÅtta myter som hämmar jordbrukets utveckling: nu krävs det en saklig diskussion om Afrikas "gröna revolution".
Göran Djurfeldt, Mikael Hammarskjöld, Hans Holmén, Magnus Jirström, Rolf Larsson
(2003) Omvärlden , p.20-23
Newspaper articleStatistisk verktygslåda - samhällsvetenskaplig orsaksanalys med kvantitativa metoder
Göran Djurfeldt, Rolf Larsson, Ola Stjärnhagen
BookAsian Models of Agricultural Development and their Relevance to Afrika
Göran Djurfeldt, Magnus Jirström
(2003) Afrint Working Paper
ReportFarm crisis, mobility and structural change in Swedish agriculture, 1992-2000
Göran Djurfeldt, Pernille Gooch
(2002) Acta Sociologica, 45 p.75-88
Journal articleBondkäringar - kvinnoliv i en manlig värld
Göran Djurfeldt, Pernille Gooch
(2001) Lund Studies in Sociology, 3
BookFarmwomen and smallholders in Swedish agriculture
Göran Djurfeldt, Pernille Gooch
Working paperMariyamma and the logic of realist explanation in sociology
Göran Djurfeldt
(2000) Methodology in social research: dilemmas and perspective: : Essays in honour of Ramkrishna Mukherjee , p.199-212
Book chapterAgenda 2000 - Counter-productive Reform of the Cap
Göran Djurfeldt, Pernille Gooch
(1999) North, 10
Journal articleComing Back to Thaiyur - Health and Medicine in a Twenty-five Years Perspective
Göran Djurfeldt, Staffan Lindberg
(1997) The Village in Asia Revisited , p.175-198
Book chapterTillbaka till Thaiyur och en välfärd "indian style"
Göran Djurfeldt, Staffan Lindberg
(1995) Sydasien, 19 p.6-11
Journal articleVarumaiyin Pinnani. Oru Thamizh Gramathin Samooga Varuvakkam
Göran Djurfeldt, Staffan Lindberg
BookBarriers Broken. Production Relations and Agrarian Change in South India
Venkatesh B. Athreya, Göran Djurfeldt, Staffan Lindberg
BookIdentification of Agrarian Classes: A Methodological Essay with Empirival Material from South India
Staffan Lindberg, Göran Djurfeldt, Athreya Venkatesh B, Gustav Böklin
(1987) Journal of Peasant Studies, 14
Journal articlePills against Poverty - the introduction of Western medicine in a Tamil village
Göran Djurfeldt, Staffan Lindberg
BookMedicin mot Fattigdom. Sjukdom och Sjukvård i en indisk by
Göran Djurfeldt, Staffan Lindberg
BookBehind Poverty: The Social Formation in a Tamil Village
Göran Djurfeldt, Staffan Lindberg
(1975) Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies Monograph series No. 22
Current research
- Senior adviser for the Afrint project.
- Project leader for "Combining geospatial and survey data in assessing the prospects of smallholder agricultural development in sub-Saharan Africa ".
Yields gaps in sub-Saharan Africa
To cope with projected population and income growth the agricultural sector needs to increase production and productivity without compromising sustainability. Recent research provides evidence of stagnating crop yields and regionally heterogeneous crop yield patterns. It is essential to identify underperforming regions and understand key causes of poor productivity. Regions where the yield gaps are large hold promise for increased production and food security. This focuses on Sub-Saharan Africa with large gaps between actual and potential yields. The aim is to understand the causes of large yield gaps and to integrate geophysical and socio-economic explanations for these. Yield maps will be created to study variations within and between villages, spatially and temporally. Socio-economic panel data will be combined with remote sensing and investigations in eight villages in Kenya and Ghana with focus on geophysical, socio-economic and political aspects. Thus we link geo-spatial data to socio-economic characteristics, combining detailed investigations with large spatial coverage, and thus progressing beyond site-specific observations and conclusions.