Anna-Lisa Linden
Professor emerita

A dining room at work. A multi-cultural arena för eating.
Summary, in English
Almost every inhabitant in the life-span between 20 to 65 years of age has a number of years working in workplaces outside the home. Workplaces are to a considerable extent melting pots for employed of all age groups and ethnic groups. In this pilot study a dining room at a bus company served as a field studying preferences in food, meals and eating during lunch breaks. The dining room situated in the city centre was a place every driver visited at least once during their working day, having coffee/tea, lunch or just a rest. The dining room served as a melting pot for intercultural exchange in discussions, bringing in food stuff, customs around meals and eating. The dining room constituted a place for cultural exchange, getting knowledge about food preferences and attitude formation around nationalities, including Swedes. The methods used gathering empirical materials for the analysis were participant observation, in-depth interviews and a questionnaire.
- Sociology
- Department of Sociology
Publishing year
Document type
Conference paper
- Sociology (excluding Social Work, Social Psychology and Social Anthropology)
- ethnicity
- meals
- food consumption
- sociology
- dining room
- sociologi
Conference name
8th Conference of the European Sociological Conference Association, 2007
Conference date
2007-09-03 - 2007-09-07
Conference place
Glasgow, United Kingdom
- Mat, hälsa och oregelbunden arbetstid
Research group
- Sustainability and Development Studies